Mappa Del Percorso - Round trip maps of Bus 237, Bus 457, Bus 503 and Bus 555 in Catania, Sicily (Italy)

Bus 237
Bus 457
Bus 503
Bus 555

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Once you have landed in Catania by plane, you do not need to look for a taxi. Giornaliero costs 2,50 &Euro; and is good for 24 hours
The important line which connects the airport with the city is "Bus 457".

At the way out of the airport lounge you will find several stalls where you can buy tickets for the regional bus or on the city's lines. Line 457 runs approximately every 20 minutes.
The vehicles are not luxury cars but for 1 € you can buy a ticket that is valid for a travel time of 90 minutes.
This is efficient enough for a ride into the city center. You can even use it to take the full round trip back to the airport again.
If you arrive in the morning, you can buy a day ticket for 2.50 €. (2016)
This allows one to use all the buses of the operator AMT for full 24 hours.
Since the departure times are handled very loose, it is recommended to validate the ticket in the bus right prior to departure. At the airport, the vehicle is parked sometimes up to 10 minutes before departure so that you spend 10 minutes of the paid 90 minutes sitting in the parked bus.